Hey Friends!
I have been thinking about doing a blog on our site for quite some time and just have not had the time... scratch that taken the time to do so.
Many of you know me personally and if you know me personally I hope you know that I just love people. People are my jam, I love to meet and talk to new people. Growing up I was always the first on to give the new girl a smile and a friend.
Without any further ramble, my name is Sandy I was raised in Odessa, and currently live in Richmond, Missouri with my husband of 19 years, Joey. ( I like to refer to him as Mr. Perfect, but we will get into that another day) We have 2 kiddos, Trey is a sophomore and Delaney who is 4.
Blou is definitely a team effort, and what we thought would be just a hobby has turned into quite the adventure. We hope you love what we offer and keep choosing us!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for all of your support over the last year.
Sandy :)